Saturday, January 8, 2011

Preparing for the conference

Well, anyone who knows me, knows that I am the master procrastinator! So nothing is new in my preparation for the conference!  When you've been teaching and consulting in the field of Early Intervention for over 35 years, like I have, you know your subject material. However, presenting it , complete with Power Points and Handouts, all needing to be translated into Russian ahead of time,  can be overwhelming! Couple that with not being able to use examples from your current classroom, and not having a clue how to insert pictures and Youtube videos into a Power Point and you could imagine how "s t r e t c h e d " I feel.
I have been overwhelmed also by the generosity of complete strangers who have sent me toys, store cash cards, videos and pictures of their children to use and share for training puposes. I have multiple pieces of equipment to bring for Vorzel's Early Intervention Therapy Room and some specific children. I have received the generous donations of a child's treadmill and a Rifton Standing Table as well as Gait Trainers and walkers! As I am traveling a few days ahead of the other presenters I haven't a clue HOW I'll ever manage to get it all there on my own! Since my knee is bothering me, I may just use the largest walker for myself as I board the plane! Most importantly, I want to get the toys to the children! I am excited that I am also able to deliver to Anya and Hamilton, gifts from their Forever Families and share with the staff pictures and gifts from some of the other children who were adopted from Vorzel this past year! It's going to be a busy week for our Team as we prepare for the conference, visit with friends, and travel to Vorzel and Znamenka to visit a Level Four Orphanage! We also received an invitation to consult at another one who has had closed doors up to now! So, I ask you all for your prayers as we prepare to do what we can to make a difference! Please feel free to contact me via email or facebook if you want to know how you can be involved, or have any pictures and updates your children to pass on!

1 comment:

  1. We will be praying for a safe and productive trip for you! I'm crying (tears of happiness) right now that you will get to hold my sweet boy, give him our gifts and please be sure to tell him how much his mommy, daddy and big brother love him! THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking your time to do so!
